Template Metaprogramming



Run this code

template <typename T>
void print(T) {

// BAD: full specialization before base template
//      Overload resolution considers only base templates.
void print(double*) { 

template <typename T>
void print(T*) {


Source insight

template <class R = std::string_view, class T>
R to_string(T obj, R defaultv = "default") {
    try {
        static auto cache = std::to_string(obj);
        return {cache};
    } catch (...) {
        return defaultv;


Source insight

// \file xxx.h
// Explicit instantiation declaration
extern template class std::vector<int>;

// \file xxx.cpp
// Explicit instantiation definition
template class std::vector<int>;

延迟计算(Lazy Computation)

Run this code

template <int n>
struct fib : conditional_t<n<0, fib<0>, integral_constant<int, (fib<n-1>::value + fib<n-2>::value)>>

template <>
struct fib<1> : integral_constant<int, 1>

template <>
struct fib<0> : integral_constant<int, 0>

static_assert(fib<6>::value == 8);
static_assert(fib<-1>::value == 0); // fatal error: template instantiation depth exceeds maximum of 900

当输入 n < 0 时,产生 fatal error: template instantiation depth exceeds maximum of 900 错误。计算 fib<n> 时, fib<n>::value 被求值导致无穷递归。

Source insight

template <class ...Ts>
struct sum;

template <int n>
struct fib : conditional_t<n<0, fib<0>, sum<fib<n-1>, fib<n-2>>>

template <>
struct fib<1> : integral_constant<int, 1>

template <>
struct fib<0> : integral_constant<int, 0>

template <class T, T ...N>
struct sum<fib<N>...> : integral_constant<T, (fib<N>::value + ...)>

static_assert(fib<6>::value == 8);
static_assert(fib<-1>::value == 0);

在表达式中避免计算内嵌类型 type_identity::type 或内嵌值 value_identity::value

BUG: Pack expansion into fixed alias template parameter list

Originally, a pack expansion could not expand into a fixed-length template parameter list, but this was changed in N2555. This works fine for most templates, but causes issues with alias templates.

In most cases, an alias template is transparent; when it’s used in a template we can just substitute in the dependent template arguments. But this doesn’t work if the template-id uses a pack expansion for non-variadic parameters. For example:

template<class T, class U, class V>
struct S {};

template<class T, class V>
using A = S<T, int, V>;

template<class... Ts>
void foo(A<Ts...>);

There is no way to express A in terms of S, so we need to hold onto the A until we have the Ts to substitute in, and therefore it needs to be handled in mangling.

Currently, EDG and Clang reject this testcase, complaining about too few template arguments for A. G++ did as well, but I thought that was a bug. However, on the ABI list John Spicer argued that it should be rejected.


template <class T, class U, class V>
struct S {};

template <class T, class V>
using A = S<T, int, V>;

template <template <class...> class C, class... Ts>
struct defer {
    using type = C<Ts...>;

// 别名模板参数与 defer 一致
template <template <class...> class C, class... Ts>
using defer_t = typename defer<C, Ts...>::type;

template <class... Ts>
void foo(defer_t<A, Ts...>);